Jonathan Green graduated from EHS in 2003.
A native of Washington, DC and Northern Virginia, he followed his sister Sundi Lofty '96 in attending The High School.
After graduating, he attended North Carolina A&T State University (Aggie Pride!) and graduated with a BS in Information Technology from George Mason University. He then graduated with a MS in Management Information Systems from Florida Institute of Technology.
Professionally, he worked in the government Information Security sector from 2007 until 2014, when he accepted a commission into the United States Air Force as a Space Operations officer. In 2020 he transferred as the initial cohort from the USAF into the United States Space Force (USSF). He currently serves as a Space Weapons Officer, responsible for developing tactics, techniques and procedures for next-generation USSF weapons systems.
Jonathan currently lives in Colorado Springs, CO with his wife Katrelle and daughters, Aurora and Phoenix.