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Victor Lou

Millbrook School of Millbrook, NY


Victor Lou graduated from the Millbrook School or Millbrook, New York in 2017.

He is a recent graduate from Hamilton College in Clinton, NY with a major in anthropology and a minor in digital arts. He has been going to independent school since 7th grade in the United States. Victor started his journey in America in 2011 at the Rectory School in Pomfret, CT, and moved forward to the Millbrook School in Millbrook, NY. While at Millbrook, Victor was a dorm leader, a co-founding member of the Asian Affinity Group, and the captain of the boys’ JV lacrosse team during his senior year. He was also passionate to do work in Millbrook’s Trevor Zoo, and conducted independent research about the praying mantis there. 

During his time at Hamilton, Victor worked in the student activities office, the communications office, and served as a Senior Admission Fellow. In terms of academics, Victor has always been interested in social ramifications, international education, and he uses methods of digital arts in order to document and present his research. For two summers, Victor was granted the Emerson Foundation Scholar and the Arthur Levitt Foundations Summer Research in order to conduct independent research with the support of professors.

Victor’s journey in the US was difficult but fruitful. As a 13-year-old in 2011, he was initially faced with rejection and doubt. At first, Victor questioned his own identity, tried to hide it or “blend in,” but as he started to make sense of himself, he was finally able to embrace his heritage, “I know I may be different, and I am proud of it.”

“And you should be, too.”


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